

Wormhole! (MathPickle, 2011 – Based on work by Harold Coxeter and John Horton Conway) Send your students on a dangerous trip which coincidently happens to be a fantastic introduction/practice for division. If they make a mistake they’ll crash in a heap of...
Willie Wiggle Wiggle Worm

Willie Wiggle Wiggle Worm

Willie Wiggle Wiggle Worm (MathPickle, 2010) Willie Worm is an enjoyable and challenging visual spatial problem, which encourages persistence in problem solving, as well as providing students with a purposeful reason for practicing counting and writing numbers from 1...


Favorites 2017 MathPickle Board Game of the Year - and a puzzle for each grade K-12 Board Game: “Santorini” is an easy-to-learn, fast-to-play board game. It is ranked #1 family game on boardgamegeek.com. I play a 2×4 version of Santorini with K-2 students where...
Mimizu – common factor puzzles

Mimizu – common factor puzzles

Mimizu means earthworm in Japanese. Your goal is to digest leaves and other stuff that is in your compost bin. Number hints are given as well as black barriers which cannot be crossed. After stepping through these slides click here to download printable...

Inspired Mathematicians

Hannah Fry A brilliant and charismatic mathematician – Hannah Fry is a popular speaker and author. Her book “The Mathematics of Love” is typical of her down-to-earth way of communicating what the public wants to hear. She is a frequent guest on...