Get Bit!  (3-6 players; 20 minutes; ages 6+)

Get Bit! (3-6 players; 20 minutes; ages 6+)

Get Bit! 3-6 players; 20 minutes; ages 6+ A high fraction of children around grade 1-2 will enjoy Get Bit! It has the muted violence of having robots being attacked by a hungry shark. Cards are played each turn and the slowest robot ends up suffering the loss of a...
Calculus (2 players, 25 minutes, ages 9+)

Calculus (2 players, 25 minutes, ages 9+)

Calculus (Gordon Hamilton, 1997) Calculus is my second strategy game and it fills me with joy every time I play it. Unlike Santorini, it is not pure strategy because there is an element of perception involved. Calculus is perfectly suited for app development. If you...
King of Tokyo (2-6 players; 30 minutes; ages 6+)

King of Tokyo (2-6 players; 30 minutes; ages 6+)

  King of Tokyo is a most engaging, beautiful game – with great monsters and fun cartoon-style humour mid-1900s – style. The game itself is elegantly designed with reasonably simple rules. It contains too much luck for some people. On the right...
Dvonn (2 players; 20 minutes; ages 8+)

Dvonn (2 players; 20 minutes; ages 8+)

Dvonn (2 players; 20 minutes; ages 8+) Chess and Go have history, but the greatest* abstract strategy game designer of all time is alive! His name is Kris Burm and he is from Belgium. My favourite of his games are Dvonn, Tzaar, and Yinsh in that order, but all are...