Addition Boomerang

Addition Boomerang

Addition Boomerang (MathPickle, 2010) Give your students practice working with single digit addition. Answers are usually less than 20, but differentiation is easy to accomplish. Get printable puzzle-sheet here. Addition Boomerang 100 (MathPickle, 2010) Boomerang...
The Greedy Pickle Monster Problem

The Greedy Pickle Monster Problem

The Greedy Pickle Monster Problem (adapted from The Cookie Monster problem by Richard Guy in the Inquisitive Problem Solver, 2002) I’ve made a slight change to the original Cookie Monster problem. Unlike the original cookie monster, the pickle monster is greedy....
Too Many Mice!

Too Many Mice!

Too Many Mice! (MathPickle, 2012) Your students need to add 15 and 17… How do you teach carrying from the ones column to the tens column?  This is the first of a series of games that will help. “Too Many Mice” is a simple game in which students try to get as...
Cannibal Fish

Cannibal Fish

Cannibal Fish This is a game for 3-8 players. Players start by choosing different numbers less than 10. This is their initial fish size. Everyone also agrees to the size of fish that will win the game. In this game, Anna, Bob and Clara have agreed...
Earth Attack – addition puzzle

Earth Attack – addition puzzle

Earth Attack (MathPickle, 2012) Save the Earth by shooting down the invaders as quickly as possible. Unfortunately there is a problem, you only have one ion cannon and it can only shoot at one place at a time. This puzzle is perfect for an open-ended...