Hex (strategy game)

Hex (strategy game)

Hex (Piet Hein, 1942) I’ve been using a small variant of hex in the age 5 to 7 classroom for several years. Apart from the smaller size, the only other innovation is to insist that the first player plays on the perimeter on their first move. Without a rule like...
Puppet Puzzle (counting, logic, proof)

Puppet Puzzle (counting, logic, proof)

Jayadratha (जयद्रथ), the envious tyrant of Sindhu, was reclining on his fifteen pillows, trying to get comfortable – and failing. He suddenly realized the reason… The stacks of pillows needed to decrease in height from left to right. This was easy…...
Celtic Counting (counting, proof)

Celtic Counting (counting, proof)

Celtic Counting requires students to trace an under and over pattern – counting the Celtic loops. How many loops exist in this knot? There are two. How many loops does this knot have? There are three. The following slides have larger knots, but students age 6+...
Solidarity – Poland, 1981 (addition, logic)

Solidarity – Poland, 1981 (addition, logic)

Solidarity – Poland, 1981 This game is a blend of strategy and deception. You start the game by being randomly dealt one of five cards (Communists, Nobility, Farmers, Clergy, Workers.)     You secretly draw the Clergy. You want the Clergy to win. For...