The Greedy Pickle Monster Problem

The Greedy Pickle Monster Problem

The Greedy Pickle Monster Problem (adapted from The Cookie Monster problem by Richard Guy in the Inquisitive Problem Solver, 2002) I’ve made a slight change to the original Cookie Monster problem. Unlike the original cookie monster, the pickle monster is greedy....
Willie Wiggle Wiggle Worm

Willie Wiggle Wiggle Worm

Willie Wiggle Wiggle Worm (MathPickle, 2010) Willie Worm is an enjoyable and challenging visual spatial problem, which encourages persistence in problem solving, as well as providing students with a purposeful reason for practicing counting and writing numbers from 1...
Circus Tent Puzzle

Circus Tent Puzzle

Circus Tent Puzzle The best tents are the ones that have the smallest perimeter. Both of these tents have a perimeter of 7. That's the best you can do for $17. Each triangle is worth $3. Each square is worth $4. Given a tent price find the smallest perimeter. Let's...
Ruffian Ritual

Ruffian Ritual

Ruffian Ritual Not everyone is nice. Not everyone even pretends to be nice, but their is still honour and protocol among thieves.  Let's say that you're spying on a den of thieves and ruffians. The first thing you notice when they get together is that they all...
Kobon Triangles

Kobon Triangles

Kobon Triangles (Kobon Fujimura, 1981) Math Puzzles do not get more beautiful than this one from Japan.  It should be used by either elementary instructors who need to give their students practice holding a ruler and drawing a straight line or by junior high...