Intro to Primes & Composites

Intro to Primes & Composites

Intro to Primes & Composites (MathPickle, 2010) The way I introduce Prime and Composite numbers is through one of the engaging puzzles above. However, most educators make the mistake of starting with a formal, but not quite as engaging, structuring of the subject...
Locker Room Prank

Locker Room Prank

Locker Room Prank (Unknown Origin) This is not an original puzzle, but it is one of my first experiences of a quality problem and therefore one that inspired my own designs. Here is the downloadable pdf. Men are liars. We’ll lie about lying if we have to....
Klingon Attack

Klingon Attack

  Klingon Attack  The Earth is being attacked by Klingons. It is your job to shoot the enemy spaceships out of the sky using our single ion cannon. Download a pdf of puzzle-sheets here. Much thanks to Ex Astris Scientia for their permission to reprint their...
Prime Time

Prime Time

Prime Time (Based on Rivest, Shamir, Adleman, 1977) Prime Time is one of the must-play games in your classroom whenever you start tackling prime and composite numbers. References to the $1,000,000 prize are a long way away, but I hope one day to be able to tell you...
GCF Bingo

GCF Bingo

GCF Bingo (MathPickle, 2012) GCF Bingo is a game where students can both strategize and gain practice calculating the greatest common factor of a set of numbers. Download the pdf for the game here. God exists since mathematics is consistent, and the Devil exists since...