Tetracide (percentages, algorithm)

Tetracide (percentages, algorithm)

This puzzle should be explored after Square Sardine Packing. Choose some shapes – order them from first at the top (green rectangle) to the last at the bottom (purple rectangle). Now use the same algorithm that you used in Square Sardine Packing to pack the...
Skinny Man Tango (area, algorithm)

Skinny Man Tango (area, algorithm)

Skinny Man Tango starts with a shape and then changes it to another shape based on three simple rules. The results can be as beautiful as watching tango. To explain the rules I’ll start with this shape. Replacement Rule: Each edge of your shape must be replaced...
Square Dance (patterns)

Square Dance (patterns)

There are only a few slides in this puzzle so before heading on to the next one, your students and you should study the image and come up with conjectures about how the images are created and what to expect on the next slide. This first slide has too little...
Celtic Counting (counting, proof)

Celtic Counting (counting, proof)

Celtic Counting requires students to trace an under and over pattern – counting the Celtic loops. How many loops exist in this knot? There are two. How many loops does this knot have? There are three. The following slides have larger knots, but students age 6+...
Taipei 101 Foundations (multiplication, proof)

Taipei 101 Foundations (multiplication, proof)

Before the wise builder builds – the wise builder thinks. Here we are going to build the foundations of a great skyscraper – Taipei 101. Start with a 6×6 grid. Add numbers or letters or colors to the top left part of the grid as shown. Now is the...