Go (2 players; 15 minutes++ ; ages 6+)

Go (2 players; 15 minutes++ ; ages 6+)

Go is the oldest game – created 4000 years ago in China – and ranks as one of the greatest creations of humanity. It has much simpler rules than chess, but has strategic depth greater than chess. Professionals were not beaten with by computer program until...
Lost Cities (2 players; 15 minutes; ages 8+)

Lost Cities (2 players; 15 minutes; ages 8+)

Lost Cities (2 players; 15 minutes; ages 8+) Lost Cities is a strategic card game which requires basic multiplication to score.  It’s designed by PhD mathematician, Reiner Knizia. It is an absolutely fantastic, quick paced game that is unfortunately a bit overpriced....
Stone Age (2-4 players; 60 minutes; ages 9+)

Stone Age (2-4 players; 60 minutes; ages 9+)

Stone Age (2-4 players; 60 minutes; ages 9+) This is a beautifully produced board game with the side-effect of subtly using division.  Don’t tell your child about the division… it’s a good game, that’s why you’re playing it! The toughest part of the game are the...
Memoir ’44 (2 players; 45 minutes; ages 8+)

Memoir ’44 (2 players; 45 minutes; ages 8+)

Memoir ’44 (2 players; 45 minutes; ages 8+) Choose one of dozens historically accurate battles surrounding the D-Day landings in Normandy and play the Germans or the Allies. The game looks so good and plays relatively quickly. There is also great strategic problem...
Eclipse (2-6 players; 90 minutes; ages 14+)

Eclipse (2-6 players; 90 minutes; ages 14+)

Eclipse (2-6 players; 90 minutes; ages 14+) Eclipse offers a great option for science fiction board game.  If your strategic thinking children are addicted to violent science fiction video games – experiment with Eclipse. Games give you a chance to excel, and if...