by MathPickle | Oct 5, 2021 |
Coins in a Row (Peter Winkler 2003) This is not an original MathPickle puzzle. It’s from Mathematical Puzzles: A Connoisseur’s Collection (163 pages, 2003) by Peter Winkler. Spoiler Alert! The solution is in the video below. Teaching is an...
by MathPickle | Feb 8, 2017 |
Santorini (2-4 players; 15 minutes; ages 6+) On MathPickle I have been careful not to push my own creations – until now. I am as proud of Santorini as I am of MathPickle and it is with much joy that I name it 2017 game of the year. The game is pure strategy...
by MathPickle | Nov 26, 2016 |
I have never recommended a speed game before, but Captain Sonar blew me out of the water with its quick paced action where two captains try to hunt each other down in real time with the help of their crew. You would think this would be a chaotic situation and it...